Reporting Potential or Actual Noncompliance or FWA


Our FDRs have an obligation to report all suspected violations of any CareFirst policy or any law or regulation, whether such violations involve your employees, subcontractors, CareFirst employees or other Third Parties. You can make a report by taking any of the following actions:

If you have doubts about whether an action or situation may be improper or inappropriate, or if you believe there may be other requirements applicable to your situation, ASK. Questions or concerns can be directed to the CareFirst Compliance and Ethics Office.

Failure to promptly report a suspected violation may result in action up to, and including, termination of your relationship.

How to Make Anonymous Reports—Compliance and Ethics Hotline

You can make an anonymous report by phone or by filing a confidential report online by accessing the Compliance & Ethics webpage on the CareFirst intranet.

The Compliance and Ethics Hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Hotline calls are truly anonymous. Calls are not traced. There is no caller ID. The Hotline number is a voicemail number only. You will not speak to a person.

If you choose to make an anonymous report, be prepared to provide enough information about the situation to allow for a proper investigation.